French symphonic power metal band created by Philippe Giordana and Willdric Lievin in 2000. They chose Elisa C. Martin (ex-Dark Moor, Dreamaker) for the vocals. In 2003, Willdric and Elisa left to create a new band (Hamka), so they picked Max Leclercq (Magic Kingdom) as new singer. Following the release of their first demo, Tribute to Universe, their basic metal style began evolving into something more fantastic and symphonic, to which their second demo, Realm of Wonders, attests.
Following the release of their first demo, Tribute to Universe, their basic metal style began evolving into something more fantastic and symphonic, to which their second demo, Realm of Wonders, attests.
Through various metal contacts the band enlisted guitarist Anthony Parker (Heavenly) and soon gave up looking for a label to enter Wizard Studio in Feb. 2002.
During the recordings of their debut, the band began looking for a powerful vocalist, which they found in Elisa C. Martin, known from the successful Spanish Power Metal band DARK MOOR.
With their first full-length complete, FAIRYLAND signed on with Denmark-based Intromental Management, and shortly thereafter secured a recording contract with the French label N.T.S. (now Replica Records).
Of Wars in Osyrhia was released worldwide in April 2003, enjoying massive promotion from both their record label and management. The great response from both media and fans enabled the band to tour with Sonata Arctica in France, as well as to perform in the renowned Sweden Rock Festival in 2003.
Internal band problems led to both Willdric Lievin and Elisa C. Martin, leaving the band. The band continued on without them to finish the recordings for the new concept album Fall of an Empire?again composed by Philippe Giordana and Anthony Parker, who had gathered a new line-up comprised of vocalist Max Leclerqc (formerly of Magic Kingdom), drummer Pierre-Emmanuel "Piwee" Desfray, and bassist Thomas "Tom" Cesario.
The unreleased album soon caught the attention of the Austrian-based label Napalm Records, who signed the band and released Fall of an Empire in the fall of 2006, along with a re-release of Of Wars in Osyrhia. A successful European tour with Kamelot and Leaves' Eyes soon followed.
Shortly after the tour and the outstanding media feedback that folowed the album, Philippe and the rest of the band parted ways. As the sole composer of FAIRYLAND material, finding a new line-up would not pose much of a problem for Philippe Giordana. Yet after working on the new material, he decided to take a completely different approach by enlisting instead the services of guest musicians for his latest release. While musically still 100% FAIRYLAND, the fresh and amazing contributions of the guest artists added to the magnificence of Score to a New Beginning and finally completed the FAIRYLAND trilogy!
Score to a New Beginning is the latest masterpiece stemming from the musical genius of Philippe Giordana, and once again offers impressive and imposing Symphonic Metal. Virtuous guitar leads and symphonic keyboard melodies comprise the monumental soundtrack for the final saga of the fantasy realm Osyrhia. This new chapter is skillfully and diversely embellished by an illustrious round of guest vocalists including Georg Neuhauser of Serenity. In this way, melodic vocal lines meet sonorous choruses to breathe credible life into the characters of Osyrhia