The Civil Wars consists of John Paul White, hailing from Florence, AL and Joy Williams, originally from Santa Cruz, CA, but now residing in East Nashville. The duo's chance meeting fueled an immediate songwriting chemistry and creative synergy. Their second show ever, performed at a sold out Eddie's Attic, was recorded and released as a free digital album. Barton Hollow, the full-length debut from The Civil Wars, was released February 1, 2011 (Sensibility Music). According to the Barton Hollow Songfacts, it debuted at #1 on iTunes' album sales chart and at #12 on the Billboard 200.
Barton Hollow, the full-length debut from The Civil Wars, was released February 1, 2011 (Sensibility Music). According to the Barton Hollow Songfacts, it debuted at #1 on iTunes' album sales chart and at #12 on the Billboard 200. The album came on the heels of a breakout year for the duo, whose remarkably successful free/live album has been downloaded over 100,000 times. Additionally, their 2009 four song EP, Poison & Wine, debuted at #4 on the iTunes Singer/Songwriter Top Albums chart. The EP's title track and first single was played in full on ?Grey's Anatomy? (episode 609, "New History") and its accompanying music video has been viewed over 1,411,229 times on YouTube.
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