A New York City native and founder of the Anticipate and Microcosm labels, Ezekiel Honig concentrates on emotively warm and minimal music. He strives to incorporate the ethos of the past with something new, striding that blurry line between occasional dance floor sensibilities and intriguing, yet heart warming home listening. Ambience, soft, colorful tones, found sounds, a techno background, 4/4 microsound, and an affinity for off kilter rhythm edits are all involved in this process, while paying constant attention to deceptively simple melodic structures...
Always striving to make them something different from studio work, his improvisational approach to live sets, combining loops and bits from various material with on the fly arrangements, editing, and effects yields new songs from shards of the old. This often influences the compositional process both in terms of sketching ideas, and in developing nuggets of sound into fuller pieces, sometimes splitting into separate songs, using tangential ideas from the original source.