Sweethearts of the Rodeo was a popular country duo from the USA in the late 1980s and early 1990s. They consisted of sisters Janis Oliver and Kristine Oliver, who grew up in suburban Los Angeles. While still in their teenage years they performed as the Oliver Sisters. Janis eventually married singer Vince Gill, who at the time was a member of Pure Prairie League. The sisters named themselves after a landmark album by The Byrds which fused elements of rock with country. A typical Sweethearts tune is an upbeat two-stepper mixing country instrumentation with a rock beat.
Their harmonies were so close that some have referred to them as "The Everly Sisters." Along with The Judds and the Forester Sisters, they were at the time among country music's only all-female groups.
Their hits included "Satisfy You", "Chains of Gold", "Midnight Girl/Sunset Town", and a remake of the Beatles' "I Feel Fine".