A resident of Montreal, Canada, Patrick Bernard is currently celebrating twenty years of well-being music. Born in Algeria in 1952, at the age of 11, Patrick and his family moved to France. In Algeria during the Algerian revolution, Patrick witnesses the cruelty of war. This is why he decided to only bring peace and harmony where ever he would go. At the age of 16, Patrick starts traveling the World, hitch hiking where ever the wind would bring him.
Born in Algeria in 1952, at the age of 11, Patrick and his family moved to France. In Algeria during the Algerian revolution, Patrick witnesses the cruelty of war. This is why he decided to only bring peace and harmony where ever he would go.
At the age of 16, Patrick starts traveling the World, hitch hiking where ever the wind would bring him. At 21 years old he meets one of his teachers, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj and a few years later he meet the second teacher that encouraged him in his devotional practice, Swami Sridhar Maharaj (the Guardian of Devotion). With their blessing he started to produce amazing musical garden of peace and by due course of time, this garden has spread all over the world.
Since 1986 he has been a full-time producer/composer of devotional music, inspiring audiences everywhere he goes with his sweet and profound music of divine love.
About His Music Style
Patrick Bernard creates original compositions in the tradition of devotional chant and invites his listeners into truly centered meditative states.
In his recordings, ancient healing mantras and universal sacred chants (mainly Sanskrit, Latin & Hebrew) are translated into a contemporary musical form, using high-tech synthesized multi-choral progressions and many ancient acoustic instruments.
A warm and richly complex musical texture generates background for his singing in which he freely expresses his heartfelt longing for many forms of Godhead.
Bernard's blend of soothing instrumentation with his soft devotional chanting is a perfect companion for any healing practice, be it mediation or yoga.
Celebrating 21 Years of Devotional Ecstacy
Long before contemporary chant was trendy, Bernard was inspiring audiences with his powerful devotional compositions based on sacred Sanskrit, Latin and Hebrew writings. Mr. Bernard's recordings of "well being" music have consistently achieved high status, winning awards, achieving Gold status and even landing him on the Billboard charts (he was the first Canadian to climb Billboard's New Age chart). Patrick has remained a best seller in his category for many years. Atlantis Angelis touched the heart of more than half of million people around the World! Since 1986 he has been a full-time producer/composer of devotional music, inspiring audiences everywhere with his sweet and profound music of divine love. Adding to his music collection of 12 records, Patrick recently release a new book called "Music As Yoga, Discover the Healing Power of Sound".
In 1974 Patrick came in contact with his spiritual master, Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who initiated him in Mantra-Yoga or chanting of the Holy Sound Vibrations. In 1986, receiving Gayatri Mantra in Nabawip, India, from the great saint Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Deva Goswami Maharaja, Patrick was initiated into the Gaudiya Vaisnavas School of bhakti-yoga propagated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the 15th Century master of devotional ecstasy. Since then, he has been a full-time producer/composer of devotional music, inspiring all listeners with his sweet & profound music of divine love.