could let you all know bit more bout me i thought ... i had some yamaha keyboard when i was about 7 - had this "snow flakes" sound on it .. and i regret not knowing what it sounds like anymore, but i was able to trip out on just hitting the C-3-Note .. also had this fisher-price tape recorder, with a built in microphone - got some pretty crazy stuff on tape because of that .. sometimes just these really long recordings of me and my family eating at the dinner-table .. i wish i could say i recorded that out of interest - but i pretty much just forgot pressing the stop button .
. also played piano when little .. stoped playing the piano when i got older .. started playing the super-nintendo though .. recently even sampled "claymates" again cause it got some nice arpeggio synth lines in it .. crazy game ... youre a clay-ball that can transform into animals ... anyways .. now i spend lotsa time wasting it .. and making music ...