September Mourning is a trans-media project created by artist Emily Lazar and comic book mogul, Marc Silvestri. The project, based around a fictional character named September, uses all forms of modern media to create it's own universe. Building on creative and business principles pioneered by legendary rockers David Bowie and Kiss, September Mourning is poised to be this generations icon for not only rock music but for the comic world as well.
At the core of this project is the story of September, a Reaper that walks in both the worlds of the living and the dead. She wields the power to take souls to the afterlife or give them a second chance in this life. Her unique powers stem from the mercy and love of a Reaper named Riven who was sent to take her soul when she was mortal.
The character of September is played by artist, Emily Lazar. She portrays September not only in the comic world but also the real world as the singer of "September Mourning". This musical incarnation has toured with Marilyn Manson, The Birthday Massacre, Dommin, I Am Ghost, and Hanzel Und Gretyl. In May 2012 the album, Melancholia, was released on Repo Records (Germany). The release has spawned national and international radio play as well as print and online press publication.
Marc Silvestri of Top Cow Comics is the spearhead of the comic/media portion of this project. Silvestri, known for his creation of such iconic characters as The Darkness, Witchblade, and Cyberforce, has helped Lazar in the development of the character and story line of September Mourning. He has also garnered exposure for the project through recent Comic Con expos and has secured a deal with MTV Geek to feature Lazar in webisodes of the live action comic.
The fantasy universe created by September Mourning is composed of elements and principles found in legendary stories and lends itself to be utilized in modern mediums. The loyal cult following for this project continues to grow in numbers as more media components are unveiled.