The Multiple Cat includes: Pat Stolley (vocals, guitar, bass); Jason Williams (vocals, guitar, drums); Jeff Conrad (guitar); Jen Paulsen (viola); Jeff Wichmann (trumpet); Wes Haas (Fender Rhodes); Justin Paris (drums). Review of the 2001 Album with some bio bits from Some six-odd years ago, a few guys from Iowa started playing around in a basement.
Review of the 2001 Album with some bio bits from
Some six-odd years ago, a few guys from Iowa started playing around in a basement. With old reel-to-reels and broken PA's littering the floor, they struggled to eek out some kind of fun from the ruins of their failed schooling, lack of beer money, and large collection of Steely Dan and Joni Mitchell records. The result was The Multiple Cat. Things went well, with the group playing to about fifteen adolescent boys and a pie-eyed drunk with a rolled-up bandanna around his head. They howled during the breakdowns in "A Microphone and a Starter Jacket," they conjured the ghost of Ian Curtis (briefly) during "For Bernard." They made a late-coming mother of one of the boys cry with "It's Your Song." A circuit blew. The kids sipped their pop. Now, in the spring of 2001, The Multiple Cat still hunkers in a basement. 3/4 of a new band, they practice material culled from their latest album, "The Golden Apple Hits." A conglomeration (as always) of material from the last few years of recording here and there, this record finds the Cat bouncing around their genre, from show-tunes to slow tunes, from simple pop to art-rock drama. Undefinable to some, and still hopelessly obscure after eight releases, they know the meaning of nonchalance, of the stubborn side of rock, and the value of a well-placed mic.
Bio/Review from
In the first part of the last decade, labels and bands began to multiply. Rules changed. It became possible for a few guys from Iowa to catch the ear of a NYC label. Patrick Stolley and his shifting crew were in the game, this before The
Marlboro Chorus or the Futureappletree collective.
From 1993-2000, disparate songs ranging from the urgent ?New Marcus Aurelius? to the finality of ?Canvassed and Spent? illustrate the eclectic, familiar yet new pop sounds of an amorphous band
from an ordinary shy but lyrically strong, the recipe for any secret that you want to know the answer to.
*The Secret of the Secret of The Multiple Cat (Retrospective)
*Universe Shall Mean the Self (7 tracks)
*The Golden Apple Hits
*Elements of the Multiple Cat
*Multi-Kat Mixy-Mixy (EP)
*Territory Shall Mean the Universe