Some words on Li Alin After being saved from the The Isle of the Dead , Li Alin went to play grand piano at the Westin Grand Berlin. It was an extremely beautiful day of june, with a dying sun in a clear blue sky. She haven't accept the offered cocaine neither remembering playing piano for 20 years but she told the man who was already playing standards in the lobby that she was canadian and she missed her piano. So from standards to improvised music the public followed and enjoyed. An old lady delighted came to her asking who the composer was.
After being saved from the The Isle of the Dead , Li Alin went to play grand piano at the Westin Grand Berlin. It was an extremely beautiful day of june, with a dying sun in a clear blue sky. She haven't accept the offered cocaine neither remembering playing piano for 20 years but she told the man who was already playing standards in the lobby that she was canadian and she missed her piano. So from standards to improvised music the public followed and enjoyed. An old lady delighted came to her asking who the composer was. For those who know Li Alin, this is not such a surprise that this describe her first musical appearance.
She is like that, extremely awake or extremely asleep. She says to me once that her music is always a dream that she try to remember. You have to listen All in to understand what she mean by that. In some ways the record is an accurate photo of 10 of those dreams, but her experiences showed that her best music was never recorded and that you might want to be at the Westin Grand Hotel in Berlin when it happen.
Before exploring music she was obsess by new technology of reproduction. The Eugenic version of Life in a pharmacy. No more beds and penetrations. Just injections. Medical birth without pleasure. etc... etc... But enough of that, she might want to jump again. If you are interested to this subject she will be delighted to show you her animation film, her novel, performance, bill posting, website. etc..
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