Barricada is a hard rock band from Pamplona (Spain) formed in 1982 Originaly formed by Enrique Villareal "El Drogas" (bassist and vocalist), Jos? (Drums), Sergio Os?s (second guitar), all three coming from the band Kafarna?n, and Javier Hernandez "Boni" (guitarist and vocalist). They gave their first concert in April 1982 in the Txantrea square, an even that's remembered because they played without any scenery and directly surrounded by people.
Originaly formed by Enrique Villareal "El Drogas" (bassist and vocalist), Jos? (Drums), Sergio Os?s (second guitar), all three coming from the band Kafarna?n, and Javier Hernandez "Boni" (guitarist and vocalist).
They gave their first concert in April 1982 in the Txantrea square, an even that's remembered because they played without any scenery and directly surrounded by people. (Barricada would play exactly 25 years later in the same conditions, in the same exact place reuniting numerous fans despite it was almost not advertised).
Mikel Astrain substituted Jos? at the drums to record their first album "Noche de Rock&Roll" (1983), produced by Rosendo
Just after releasing their first album Sergio had to leave the band because of the obligatory military service and Alfredo Piedrafita became the new guitarist. In 1984 Mikel died because of a stroke and Fernando Coronado became the drumer.
This formation that would stay stable until 2002 recorded the second album "Barrio Conflictivo" (1985). In this year they were chosen as "Best group from Navarra".
For their third album "No hay tregua" (1986) they joined the multinational RCA that tried to censor 8 of the tracks, but thanks to the strong pressure by Rosendo the album was released without changes. The band left RCA anyway.
They recorded "No se que hacer contigo" (1987) with the label Polygram Iberica, despite all efforts by the band the label censored the song "Bahia de Pasaia" that reminds the controversial murder of four members of CAA, one of them a personal friend of "El Drogas".
The fifth album "Rojo" (1988) is the personal favorite of the band
They would suffer censorship again in "Pasion por el Ruido" (1989) because of the song "En nombre de Dios", a critic to Opus Dei
The bands success kept increasing and they obtained a Golden Record award with "Doble Directo" (Live - 1990) and two Platinum Records for "Por instinto" (1991) and "Balas blancas" (1992). but it also meant distancing from their traditional sound and fanbase.
"La Ara?a" (1994), "Insolencia" (1996), and Salud y "Rock&Roll" (Live - 1997) mark a decline in the commercial success of the band, and they finally decide to leave the label Polygram Iberica.
"Acci?n directa" (2000) revisits their traditional powerful sound, yet proves the evolution of the band for joy of the original fanbase. This also means a recovery in their success.
After "Besame" (2002), the last studio album up to date, Fernando leaves the band and Ibon Sagarra "Ibi" becomes the new drummer.
Since then Barricada centres their activity in live performances.
Later Releases include "Un camino de piedras" (2003) a tribute to Barricada by 13 well known artists and close friends. "Latidos y mordiscos" (2006) a double live album that includes Sax, Orchestra and a small chorus and "25 a?os de rocanrol"(2008) a compilation consisting of 2 CDs 2 DVDs and a book.
The Basque film director Juanma Bajo Ulloa, a close friend, has conducted some of their clips, and the band members appear as extras in his film Airbag