Four men, one mission. The goal: to capture the soft insides of music loving hearts across the globe. The means: haunting melodies and powerful chords delivered with a passionate sense of ambition. Vehicle blends the powerful subtlety of Labradford and Tristeza with the massive post rock rumblings of a band like Mogwai or Explosions In The Sky. Vehicle's strong determination and healthy ambition results in impressive and forceful live shows, a fact that more and more people confirm positively.
Going on strong in 2005, Vehicle maintains their strong sense of powerful music. The release of a second e.p., You! A Stevedore, changes their direction slightly towards a heavier and more dynamic style of post rock. Call it math rock, call it art rock, or just keep it simple and label it instrumental rock. The style shift on You! A Stevedore pictures the band lavishing on the influence of bands like Shellac and Tortoise while keeping in touch with their own, elegant post rock ways. For now, take a seat and lean back, let Vehicle transport you to a place where music reigns supreme.