There is more than one artist by this name: 01. Truck Stop was a fictional band in the 1994 film Half Cocked, featuring members of Rodan, starring Tara Jane O'Neil. 02. Truck stop is the alias of the hip-hop MC Sebastian, formerly of New Kingdom. 03. Truck Stop or Truckstop is a German country (country deutsch) band that has been around at least since the 1980's. The streamable tracks on both this and Truckstop profiles come from this band.
01. Truck Stop was a fictional band in the 1994 film Half Cocked, featuring members of Rodan, starring Tara Jane O'Neil.
02. Truck stop is the alias of the hip-hop MC Sebastian, formerly of New Kingdom.
03. Truck Stop or Truckstop is a German country (country deutsch) band that has been around at least since the 1980's. The streamable tracks on both this and Truckstop profiles come from this band.
Truck Stop - Die Country Marke from Hamburg, Germany - Albums in AMAZON or EBAY...