a Dutch new generation of hardcore, from heavy to heart at the formation of the group, this european collective stood at the beginning of a new movement which melted hardcore and indierock together into emocore. beyond the poses of the nu-metal, without the great images, but with songs in which the soul is released and the heart speaks. one front tstgu is ?all about the spirit'. mentality, lifestyle and conviction go together with the musical drive.
at the formation of the group, this european collective stood at the beginning of a new movement which melted hardcore and indierock together into emocore. beyond the poses of the nu-metal, without the great images, but with songs in which the soul is released and the heart speaks.
one front
tstgu is ?all about the spirit'. mentality, lifestyle and conviction go together with the musical drive. this becomes evident from the absence of persons, for example. no front individuals, but one front in which the music is at the centre and there is room for a changeable assembly. all this happens in a european frame in cooperation with various bands.
never break the silence unless you can improve it
from the website, www.thespiritthatguidesus.com