Empyrios is an Italian power/progressive/thrash metal project/band. The project empYrios came to light in the fall of 2001, by the mastermind Simone Mularoni and his bloodbrother Matteo Mastroianni, with the will to create something different in the metal panorama. They made their first step unleashing some yet unforgettable Yngwie J. Malmsteen, Symphony X and Kansas tracks @ local clubs and festivals with a primordial lineup.
The project empYrios came to light in the fall of 2001, by the mastermind Simone Mularoni and his bloodbrother Matteo Mastroianni, with the will to create something different in the metal panorama. They made their first step unleashing some yet unforgettable Yngwie J. Malmsteen, Symphony X and Kansas tracks @ local clubs and festivals with a primordial lineup.
In the middle of 2002 the great Silvio Mancini was recruited to fulfill vocal duties on empYrios' frontline... his style and timbre is something really uncommon, but he's capable of enchanting the listener with his "angelical passages" and crush everyone else with pure power.
These three folks recorded their first promoCD The EverSinner @ MG studios (produced and mixed by Simone Mularoni himself) obtaining some of the greatest reviews worldwide and promoting it with a lot of shows ended with a gig at Symbol Club in San Marino, along with Astra (official italian Dream Theater tribute band) and Jordan Rudess (Dream Theater outstading keyboard player).
Shortly after Symbol show the lineup was finally completed by no one else than Astra's keyplayer, Emanuele Casali and unDEAD axegrinder Simone Bertozzi adding some heavy punchin' behind the bass.
They released 2 albums until now: And the Rest is Silence (in 2007) on Burning Star records and The Glorious Sickness (in 2008) on Scarlet Records.